Tuesday, June 23, 2009

7 Years and counting...

Yesterday was our 7 year anniversary...that is pretty long for 2 kids like us. The whole day we thought about what we were doing around that time 7 years ago...it doesn't even seem that long ago. We didn't do anything special just went out to eat at Porcupine and then did a little shopping. Later on we got iceberg shakes...bad idea!!! We felt so sick afterwords. All in all it was a pretty good day. Love you Darrin


Anonymous said...

SEVEN years!!! WOW! You too look so cute in that pic by the way! You're freaking HOT! You're one of those girls i hate that gets cutter the older they get! LUCKY!!! Happy 7 and hopefully 7 more:)

Rachel Lovato said...

Happy Anniversary! Cheers!