We went for a hike at Brighton on Sunday because it was so nice and had a great time enjoying the cooler air and sights. I was trying my artistic side by using sepia and I must say that I am quite good ...he he just kidding I think sepia just makes it look better sometimes.
Yesterday was our 7 year anniversary...that is pretty long for 2 kids like us. The whole day we thought about what we were doing around that time 7 years ago...it doesn't even seem that long ago. We didn't do anything special just went out to eat at Porcupine and then did a little shopping. Later on we got iceberg shakes...bad idea!!! We felt so sick afterwords. All in all it was a pretty good day. Love you Darrin
thanks to my friends who reminded me that my life ain't so boring. I forgot that I like to do random clubs at work...I'll give you some examples. There's the classy club where we read a book and discuss, well that actually didn't work out to well because we all couldn't find the time to get together but as we all say "You can't plan classiness." There's the salad club where myself and about 4 other gals try to all bring ingredients for a salad once a week to try to stay healthy and not pay the communist prices in the food court. I have a regular book club where we choose a different author every month. We finished Jodi Picoult...awesome writer but the lady wrote some depressing stuff. There's pigtail Mondays...well that actually just started last week and come to think of it we didn't do it today..oops..maybe that one doesn't count anymore...anyways just a brief glance at the weirdness that is moi!
I do envy those people that always have something to write about whilst my mind is BLANK...Help I think aliens abducted my brain! I'll try harder to be the blogger that you all deserve!