Thursday, February 26, 2009

Guess who.....


said HELL yesterday!!!! Isaiah not even two and he begins the potty mouth. Darrin got a lecture on his language to say the least. My luck he'll yell it out in church


Garnetrose said...

they are so much fun when they are that age. *s*

Anonymous said...

Ahahahahaha! Thats So funny!!

LeLe said...

Oh man! Been there... Done that!!! I used to HATE if my {Bug} would ask to watch Shrek in front of anyone... is was exactly "F***". SO EMBARRASSING!!! I would so rather have dealt with hell. :)

Rachel Lovato said...

Hey Erin. It is your boss...he he he! I love your blog. Don't worry, I think all of us have had a moment like that with our kids!